Get a jumpstart on your 2022 pastured poultry or breeding ventures and start the year off with a solid plan.
Join us for 2 virtual preconference training days in December. These virtual sessions are designed to be standalone events leading up to our in-person conference in January and lay a solid foundation from which you grow.
Virtual Pre-Conference Agenda
We will offer LIVE training on December 4 (intro to pastured poultry) & December 11 (breeders).
A summary of the agenda is found below. You can view a detailed agenda here.
Dec 4: Growing Pastured Poultry for Profit (Growers Ticket) Presented by Metzer Farms
This session has been recorded and is available to watch if you register for both days. December 4 will focus on laying the foundations of raising pastured poultry and is ideally suited for people with 0 -2 years of experience or for those who experience less than ideal results with their current approach. When you attend the in-person conference, we assume you have this starting knowledge.
The sessions on Dec 4 are presented LIVE and are interactive. They will be recorded for later playback. You'll have 3 months to watch them.
Live program on Dec 4 features:
- Winning with Meat Birds by Daniel Salatin (90 minutes).
- Raising Pastured Turkeys by Craig Haney (90 minutes)
- Raising Layers for Eggs by Christian Alexandre (90 minutes)
- Ducks from Egg to Market by Ben Grimes (90 minutes)
Bonus Growers Sessions (Recorded):
- Basics of Brooder Management by David Hale and Dave Shields
- Feeding for Animal Performance and Farmers' Sanity by Jeff Mattocks
- Enterprise Planning by Bruce Hennessey
- PL 90-492 Processing Facility Setup and Walk Through by The Shields
- Marketing Course from 2020 conference (6 sessions)
The virtual Introduction to Pastured Poultry is sponsored by Metzer Farms. Metzer Farms is a three generation family farm specializing in breeding, hatching, and shipping waterfowl. With their new hatchery opening in Tennessee in early 2022, Metzer Farms will be able to provide next-day shipping to nearly every state. You will receive the healthiest waterfowl and Cornish cross to give you the greatest success in pastured poultry.
Dec 11: Breeding Poultry for Market (Breeders Ticket)
We will also host a virtual breeder’s summit, which will expose you to various profit centers of breeding, growing, and direct marketing standard-bred (e.g. heritage) poultry. This one-day summit is ideal for anyone looking to intentionally breed chickens or turkeys as a profitable piece of their pastured poultry farm.
The sessions on Dec 11 are presented LIVE and are interactive. They will be recorded for later playback. You'll have 3 months to watch them.
Live program on Dec 11 features:
- The Challenges and Rewards of the Poultry Breeders Cycle by Rip Stalvey (60 minutes)
- Breeding for Day Old Chick Sales by Matt Hemmer (60 minutes)
- Breeding and Growing Turkeys by Shelly Oswald (90 minutes)
- Scaling an on-farm breeding program by Allison Stewart (90 minutes)
- Breeding for Direct Meat Sales by Brent and Anna Wills (90 minutes)
Bonus Breeder Sessions (Recorded):
- Nutritional Requirements for Breeding Flocks by Jeff Mattocks
- How to breed to the standard by Rip Stalvey
- The Art & Practice of Incubating Eggs by Patricia Foreman
- Using record keeping to improve your breed by Karen Johnston and Erin Angulo
- Marketing Course from 2020 conference (6 sessions)
Looking for information about the in-person conference in January? Find it here.
A Conference Experience
When we say December will be a virtual pre-conference, we are saying it will be a legitimate conference experience. You’ll be able to network with other attendees, post discussions, meet exhibitors, schedule your own virtual meetups/discussion with other attendees, and more.
Registration Options
When you register, you can choose from December 4, December 11, or both. Recordings will be available to you based the ticket type your choose.
We will use the event management system Whova to organize the event and to provide an online networking opportunity for attendees to meet and discuss topics. With Whova, even attendees can schedule their own meetups after the event to further discuss ideas.
You will receive instructions to join the Whova event platform the week before the event.